Kaohsiung W vs Taichung Blue W

Kaohsiung W vs Taichung Blue W Live Score, Stats, Forecasts, H2H

Last Matches of Kaohsiung W

Last Matches of Taichung Blue W

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Kaohsiung W vs Taichung Blue W Head To Head Confrontation

Our site's database keeps all result's history of previous games between Kaohsiung W and Taichung Blue W, sorted by date. Such information can be very useful for making a correct prediction for the outcome of Kaohsiung W vs Taichung Blue W upcoming matches.


Kaohsiung W 0 - 3 Taichung Blue W (Tanaka M., Pengngam S., Tzu-shan Chiang)

16-12-2023 07:00

Mulan Football League Women

17' Maho Tanaka (0-1), 23' Saowalak Pengngam (0-2), 32' Tzu-shan Chiang (0-3),


Kaohsiung W 1 - 1 Taichung Blue W (Lemin S., Zhan B.)

20-05-2023 08:00

Mulan Football League Women

41' S. Lemin (0-1), 90+6' Bihan Zhan (1-1),


Kaohsiung W 1 - 2 Taichung Blue W (Tanaka M., Jingyun N., Lee Hsiu-Chin)

01-10-2022 07:00

Mulan Football League Women

21' Maho Tanaka (0-1), 23' Nian Jingyun (0-2), 90+3' Hsiu-Chin Lee (1-2),


Kaohsiung W 0 - 4 Taichung Blue W

16-04-2022 10:00

Mulan Football League Women


Kaohsiung W - Taichung Blue W

30-10-2021 07:00

Mulan Football League Women


Kaohsiung W 0 - 2 Taichung Blue W (Sornsai P., Fangwei H.)

17-04-2021 08:30

Mulan Football League Women

16' Pitsamai Sornsai (0-1), 44' Hou Fangwei (0-2),