26.04.2024 10:40
0 - 0

Ironi Modiin vs SC Dimona

Ironi Modiin vs SC Dimona Live Score, Stats, Forecasts, H2H


1st Half
0 - 0
2nd Half
0 - 0

Last Matches of SC Dimona

Ironi Modiin vs SC Dimona matches

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Ironi Modiin vs SC Dimona live stream online is not available right now. You can see the full history of Ironi Modiin vs SC Dimona head to head confrontation.

Ironi Modiin vs SC Dimona Head To Head Confrontation

Our site's database keeps all result's history of previous games between Ironi Modiin and SC Dimona, sorted by date. Such information can be very useful for making a correct prediction for the outcome of Ironi Modiin vs SC Dimona upcoming matches.


Ironi Modiin 0 - 0 SC Dimona

26-04-2024 10:40

Liga Alef South


Ironi Modiin 0 - 3 SC Dimona (Ivegi D., Mor A., Hadad G.)

30-12-2022 10:00

Liga Alef South

19' D Ivegi (0-1), 39' Amit Mor (0-2), 70' Gil Hadad (0-3),