19.05.2024 19:00
2 - 1

General Velasquez vs D. Concepcion

General Velasquez vs D. Concepcion Live Score, Stats, Forecasts, H2H


1st Half
1 - 0
2nd Half
1 - 1

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General Velasquez vs D. Concepcion Head To Head Confrontation

Our site's database keeps all result's history of previous games between General Velasquez and D. Concepcion, sorted by date. Such information can be very useful for making a correct prediction for the outcome of General Velasquez vs D. Concepcion upcoming matches.


General Velasquez 2 - 1 D. Concepcion (Alegría J., Ramirez R., Serrano K.)

19-05-2024 19:00

Segunda Division

28' Jhon Alegría (1-0), 68' Ricardo Ramirez (1-1), 86' Kevin Serrano (2-1),

80' Arriaza C. (R),


General Velasquez 1 - 1 D. Concepcion (Vargas G., Carvajal M.)

26-02-2023 21:00

Segunda Division

36' Gabriel Alejandro Vargas Venegas (0-1), 87' Marcelo Carvajal (1-1),


General Velasquez 1 - 1 D. Concepcion (Vargas C., Lopez A.)

08-05-2022 19:00

Segunda Division

65' Cristobal Vargas (0-1), 72' Alvaro Lopez (1-1),


General Velasquez 0 - 1 D. Concepcion (Vargas G.)


General Velasquez 2 - 1 D. Concepcion (Vargas G., Penroz C., Abarca L.)

13-12-2020 13:00

Segunda Division

28' Gabriel Alejandro Vargas Venegas (0-1), 45' Christopher Penroz (1-1), 90+1' Lucas Abarca (2-1),

78' Cristian Valenzuela (YR), 85' Alex Diaz Fuentes (YR),